Here are some common questions when arranging travel.

I am an international student or scholar. Are there special considerations for my international trip?

Foreign Nationals on a non-immigrant visa have unique travel conditions that may delay or restrict their travel plans. It is always recommended that students and scholars contact their OISS Advisor prior to any travel abroad. In addition, F-1 and J-1 visa holders may need a travel signature endorsement on their Form I-20 or DS-2019 to reenter the US.  These signatures are only provided by the OISS Advisor.

Can you recommend an external organization/service to assist me with a visa application to a foreign country?

While the university does not have a preferred vendor, our students, faculty and staff have successfully used CIBT visas.

Does the university have a preferred travel agency for business travel?

For a list of travel agencies, see Travel Agencies on WashU Resource Management.

How to apply for a passport? How can I expedite my passport application? Can you recommend a courier/expeditor company?
What are the university rules regarding airfare arrangements (e.g., economy/first class, etc.)?

For university travel information, visit Travel Policies | Finance & Accounting Services

Are there any restrictions on what airlines I can use?

For travel funded by the federal government, the Fly America Act applies.

Where can I find travel authorization requirements for European countries?

You can find more information about travel authorization requirements to the European Union with the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) and FAQs about the ETIAS.

Are there resources for those with childcare responsibilities while traveling?

For faculty or staff who are traveling internationally for work and bringing their children, you still have access to the Bright Horizons Emergency Backup Care benefit while traveling. The option for Reimbursable Care is available to those benefits-eligible employees who are traveling.