Dr. Nhial Tutlam and the International Center for Child Health and Development (ICHAD) was awarded the prestigious National Institutes of Health Career Development award in the amount of $750,000, which will fund Dr. Tutlam’s research focused on addressing Intergenerational Trauma in Second Generation Refugee Children in the U.S. His initiative, titled “Resettled Refugee Families for Healing,” fuses established family-enhancing methods with an innovative mentorship model known as TeenAge Health Consultants. This pivotal study bridges a notable void concerning trauma-related mental health challenges in vulnerable young populations. Along with the award, Dr. Tutlam will benefit from insights provided by a diverse team of distinguished mentors, reflecting the Brown School’s commitment to meaningful research.

Dr. Tutlam is an adjunct instructor of epidemiology at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis and teaches a chronic disease prevention course at Lindenwood University. His research interest include chronic diseases, maternal and child health and intergenerational impact of war trauma of South Sudanese.